Dialysis UnitSince its establishment, Al-Dewaly Hospital has endeavored to have a well-equipped modern center for kidney/renal dialysis. Furthermore, it has hired highly-skilled and efficient doctors...
Urology UnitThe Urology unit is managed by a number of seniors and consultant doctors and supported by new medical devices like X-ray, ultrasound and CT scan unit.
Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease UnitThis unit provides treatment for patients suffering from gastrointestinal and liver diseases. The unit consists of:- 1- Consultancy Clinic: It is a daily clinic in which there is a group of...
Orthopedic This unit consists of a number of consultantation clinics which receive cold and urgent cases under the supervision of skillful specialists. The unit is provided with modern laboratories,...
Bariatric Surgery UnitThis unit is concerned with medical issues related to overweight and morbid obesity problems. It is concerned with performing surgeries such gastric sleeve, gastric bypass surgery.
Respiratory Disease Unit It provides excellent medical services for patients with respiratory system diseases and sleep apnea in addition to diagnostic and therapeutic respiratory system scopic manipulation. It...
Gastrointestinal and Liver Surgery UnitThis unit is concerned with performing various gastrointestinal surgeries by highly-qualified surgeons.
Cardiac Diseases UnitThis unit offers healthcare and treatment for patients with cardiac diseases. The unit is run by qualified physicians and services like ECG and ECHO are also provided.
Pain Management UnitThe task of this unit is to help the elderly and the patients with chronic pain like knee and ankle pain by using medication synthesized in our laboratory and injected at site of pain. It...